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Useful Links

Important Websites on German-Israeli relations

Organizations and institutions active in German-Israeli relationship


Links on bilateral cultural exchange

Platforms, blogs and Websites devoting themselves to relationships and encounters between Germany and Israel and their citizens

Programs for encounters between German and Israeli students and other young persons, voluntary services, study programs

Offices of German Foundations in Israel


The links listed lead to Websites maintained by third parties over which we have no influence. For this reason, we can assume no guarantees for this external content. Responsible for such in each case of linkage to an external Website is its respective operator.


The links selected are primarily societal in nature. They foster the development of bilateral relationships. We recommend the consulting of those links providing a greater depth of information, with this especially applying to those official ones. This listing of links has not been sorted, and does not claim to be comprehensive.


Proposals for links to be incorporated into this list may be submitted to the following contact


Dear ladies and gentlemen,

This is the archived content of official bilateral website that was founded by the German and Israeli government on the occasion of the Jubilee Year 2015. This website contains the articles of the bilateral website, but will be static and will not be maintained. It serves as documentation of the multi-faceted cooperation between Germany and Israel We hope you enjoy exploring 50 years of German-Israeli relations!

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